ProSmiles Dental

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Back to School Check Up

It’s important for everyone to get bi-annual check-ups at the dentist and children especially need professional cleanings and consultations. If decay is allowed to go untreated, they can encounter serious problems at school. Fortunately, it’s still early enough in the year for children to avoid having their development derailed by tooth aches.

“Caries” is how doctors describe small instances of tooth decay. Children are the demographic that is at highest risk for them. The latest information from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention found that untreated tooth decay is very common in children, occurring in 13% of teenagers and 20% of preteens. The effects of tooth aches can be severe: missed sleep, reluctance to eat, difficulty speaking, difficulty focusing, and grouchiness. But while tooth decay is common, it can also be prevented with sealants, such as those we can provide our patients, and by regular oral hygiene. Tooth decay does not get better on its own, so to prevent children from needing more extensive restorations later in the year, they should get everything taken care of now. We can also ascertain whether the child will need wisdom tooth extractions.

Dr. Archana Lankupalli operates ProSmiles Dental at 9400 Clifford Street, Suite 110, Fort Worth, Texas, 76108. To schedule an appointment, call 817-369-8000 or visit and fill out a contact sheet.


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